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Hunter Dustbreaker Robot Kit Assembled

7.436,22 TL+ VAT
Categories : Arduino compatible sensors and modules
Brand : SANEC
Stock Code : A.2714
Stock Quantity : 0
Price Including VAT : 8.923,46 TL
Bank Transfer : 8.566,52 TL (%4 remittance discount)

Quantity 5-10 11-30 31-100 101-1000
Discount %10 %15 %20 %25

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Hunter Dustbreaker Robot Kit Assembled


Why Should You Choose Avcı Tozkoparan Robot Kit?

•High Level Target Shooting System

•Strong Body Design

•High Battery Usage Time

•PID Controlled Software

•Target Aiming Laser

• Track Selection Switches


With the 6 Volt Novamax 800 Rpm motors used in dust-breaking robots to increase the line tracking speed, shaking of the robot during shooting is also prevented.

Bond silicone wheels used as wheel models will enable the robot to operate faultlessly on the track, thanks to its high-precision gripping feature in line-following situations.

TCS34725 color sensor was used so that the robot can distinguish the colors on the track.

After the process of distinguishing colors, the colors detected by the 7-LED module on the robot are designed to be reflected on the robot in a way that can be seen from a distance.

Track selection is made possible with the dipswitches on the robot.

Door detection operations are easily carried out with the MZ80 Object Sensor located on the front of the robot.

This robot kit, which has a Ballista Arrow system, will hit the targets with sufficient tension and will be able to aim during target shooting with the Laser Module on the Arrow system.

MG90 Metal gear servo motor is used on the robot, with this motor it can easily hold the tension in the spring system and make hard shots.

4K Multi Line line sensors will facilitate 90 degree turns on the track and will share the location of the tracked line with the user with the status LEDs on it.

The battery capacity of the robot is 500-800 mAh, which will provide sufficient power for the use of the robot throughout the competition.

It is aimed to be a robot that stands firmly on the ground with its double-decker robot body.

The spacers on the body were used to hold the two layers firmly together and to strengthen the body.

The robot body is designed to absorb the vibrations experienced during shooting and at the same time increase the body armor.


Stock Code A.2714
Barcode 7891670004141
VAT %20
Categories Arduino compatible sensors and modules
Brands SANEC
Tags Avcı Tozkoparan Robot Kiti Montajlı
Using Status New


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