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Filamix Pla + 1.75 mm Filament 1 kg Plus - Siyah

368,30 TL+ VAT
Brand : Filamix
Stock Code : 3D.76.16
Price Including VAT : 441,96 TL
Bank Transfer : 428,70TL (%3 remittance discount)

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Filamix Pla + 1.75 mm Filament 1 Kg Plus – Black


Material Type: PLA Filament

Filament Density: 1.24 g/cm

Filament Diameter: 1.75mm / 2.85 + 0.05

Filament Gross Weight: 1250gr + 20gr

Printing Temperature: 200 - 200 C

Printing Plate Temperature: 60 - 80 C

Printing Speed: 40 - 120 mm/s

Printing Plate Recommendation: Buildtak + pei

Color: Black

Storage: Store in a light-free, moisture-free environment and in its packaging.


Filamix Pla + 1.75 mm Filament 1 Kg Plus - Siyah

Malzeme Cinsi PLA Filament
Filament Yoğunluk 1.24 g/cm
Filament Çapı 1.75mm / 2.85 + 0,05
Filament Brüt Ağırlık 1250gr + 20gr
Baskı Sıcaklığı 200 - 200C
Baskı Tablası Sıcaklığı 60 - 80 C
Baskı Hızı 40 - 120 mm/s
Baskı Tabla Önerisi Buildtak + pei
Rengi Siyah
Depolama ışıksız, nemsiz ortamda ve ambalajında saklayınız.

Stock Code 3D.76.16
Barcode 74dfcvbg2h5n3b
VAT %20
Categories Filament and Resin
Brands Filamix
Tags Filamix Pla + 1.75 mm Filament 1 kg Plus - Siyah
Using Status New


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