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LM2596 Adjustable Dc/Dc Voltage Regulator with Display Indicator

106,07 TL+ VAT
Categories : Arduino compatible sensors and modules
Brand : SANEC
Stock Code : A.1351
Stock Quantity : 97
Price Including VAT : 127,28 TL
Bank Transfer : 122,19 TL (%4 remittance discount)

Quantity 5-10 11-30 31-100 101-1000
Discount %10 %15 %20 %25

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LM2596 Adjustable Dc/Dc Voltage Regulator with Display Indicator


LM2596 Adjustable Dc/Dc Voltage Regulator with Display Indicator module contains the LM2596 switched mode voltage regulator chip.

It has input and output ports in the form of screw terminals.

This way, you can easily connect open-ended cables to the module.

There is also a 7 Segment voltage display panel on it.

You can see the output voltage on this indicator.

You can select output or input voltage measurement by pressing the S1 button.

There are 2 indicator LEDs to see which output you are getting.

There are also mounting holes on the module.

It converts the dc voltage between 4.5-40V to 1.25-37V dc voltage.

The output voltage is adjusted by turning the screw of the potentiometer on it.

The input voltage must be at least 1.5v above the output voltage.


Attention: Device voltage is determined by the potentiometer on the product. When you first start the product, you need to remove the gap in the potentiometer with a screwdriver. Connect the supply voltage to the input pins. Turn the voltage indicator of the device to output by pressing the button. Adjust your output voltage with slow movements in the range where you see a change in voltage while turning it left and right for approximately 15-20 turns.

Stock Code A.1351
Barcode 7891679561362
VAT %20
Categories Arduino compatible sensors and modules
Brands SANEC
Tags LM2596 Göstergeli Ayarlanabilir Voltaj Regülatör Kartı
Using Status New


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