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Call center

Wireless Office Personnel Call System

3.491,04 TL+ VAT
Brand : SANEC
Stock Code : ÇS.11
Price Including VAT : 4.189,25 TL
Bank Transfer : 4.063,57TL (%3 remittance discount)

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Campaigns (1)

By using the payment method via bank transfer to the buyer %3 Discount

Wireless Office Personnel Call System


Basic Price includes 1 Instrument Panel and 1 remote control.

The panel size is 8x20 cm.

It is hung with a hanging device.

It communicates via RF.

We help you with your special designs.

It is 100% Turkish made.


Our products are our own production and are guaranteed against manufacturing defects for 2 years.



Stock Code ÇS.11
Barcode 7891694567011
VAT %20
Categories Call Systems
Brands SANEC
Tags Makam Personel Çağrı Sistemi Kablosuz - ÇS.11
Using Status New


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