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P4 RGB Color Led Screen Indoor 96x96cm

15.959,73 TL+ VAT
Brand : SANEC
Stock Code : A.2680
Price Including VAT : 19.151,67 TL
Bank Transfer : 18.577,12TL (%3 remittance discount)

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By using the payment method via bank transfer to the buyer %3 Discount

P4 RGB Color Led Screen Indoor 96x96cm


P4 RGB SMD LED display product is a model suitable for those who prefer high resolution.

Ledfon LED screen measures 96x96 cm and is delivered mounted to the case and in working condition.

You can upload videos, images and any text you want.

Wi-Fi can be made wireless according to your wishes.

It is compatible with the outdoor environment.

It is recommended to watch from the nearest 4 meters.

If the size you request is different than 1 m2, multiply the price on our website by your size.

(For example, you need a 128x320 cm screen and the price of 1m2 you find on our site is 850$. 1.28x3.20=4,096 m2 x850$ = 3.481$ is the price of the screen you need).


Our products are our own production and we are only guaranteed against manufacturing defects.


Stock Code A.2680
Barcode 7891670004069
VAT %20
Categories Led Tabela
Brands SANEC
Tags P4 RGB Renkli Led Ekran İç Mekan 96x96cm
Using Status New


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