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Universal Pickup Needle Metal with Complete Head

96,53 TL+ VAT
Categories : Arduino compatible sensors and modules
Brand : SANEC
Stock Code : A.2063
Stock Quantity : 953
Price Including VAT : 115,83 TL
Bank Transfer : 111,20 TL (%4 remittance discount)

Quantity 5-10 11-30 31-100 101-1000
Discount %10 %15 %20 %25

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Universal Pickup Needle Metal with Complete Head


The pickup needle of the Advance Acoustic brand is appreciated by the users due to its high quality material.

The pickup needle, made of metal material, has a very durable structure. Since the turntable needle is the only product that comes into contact with the record, it is essential to use a quality product. For this reason, a universal pickup needle is preferred.


·        The stylus, which is compatible with all crystal-head turntables, can be easily attached and used when needed.

·        Comes with needle storage cover. It does not cause dangerous consequences.

·        It is black and red in color. The needle tip is metallic grey.

Ideal Dimensions

Metal needle dimensions are 28×10×10 mm.

It is a ceramic crystal needle.

It is very resistant to breakage and impacts.

How it works

The needle of the record player works by reading the songs recorded on the record. In order for the needle to read the songs on the record, the record must rotate.

The needle of the record player reads the records placed in the record player and converts what it reads into voltage. Voltage is converted into amplifiers and transmits sounds that people can hear outside.

For this reason, it is not possible to use the turntable without a turntable needle.

Pickup Needle Life

First of all, if there is a protective cover on the needle, it is removed.

It can be removed with the help of claws on both sides and the new needle can be easily inserted.

The lifespan of an average needle is 3000 hours.

When this time expires, a crackling sound will be heard from the turntable, so you can easily understand that the time has expired.

If the needle is broken or bent, the needle is replaced.

Stock Code A.2063
Barcode 7891670003261
VAT %20
Categories Arduino compatible sensors and modules
Brands SANEC
Tags Universal Pikap İğnesi Komple Kafasıyla Metal
Using Status New


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