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XH-W3001 220V AC Digital Thermostat

XH-W3001 is a digital thermostat with AC 220V 1500W Relay output. It is a high precision temperature measurement and control device. It offers high temperature control accuracy of 0.1℃. The temperature control range is from -50℃ to 110℃. Waterproof and not easy to rust, paXH-W3001 220V AC Digital Thermostat includes a 1M probe made of stainless steel material.





XH-W3001 Device Usage and Settings:


The device has 1 indicator. The ambient temperature is shown on this display. There are 2 buttons on the device. The settings of the device are made with these buttons.



The device has 1 indicator. The ambient temperature is shown on this display. There are 2 buttons on the device. The settings of the device are made with these buttons.


If the temperature setting connected to the left button is large, the device operates in cooler mode. (Left: 30, Right: 20 Cooler mode)


If the temperature setting connected to the right button is large, the device operates in heater mode. (Left: 20, Right: 30 Heater mode)



You can see these temperature values ​​with short key presses. If you press the buttons for a long time, you can change the settings of the relevant value. After a long press, the buttons start to function as up and down. After setting the relevant temperature by pressing the up and down buttons, when you wait for a while, this value will be saved and the device will start working according to this value.


 For example, let the value attached to the left button be set to 37 degrees and the value attached to the right button to 38 degrees. In this case, the device will be at ideal settings for incubation. When the ambient temperature drops below 37 degrees, the heater becomes active and the environment begins to warm up. When the temperature rises above 38 degrees, the device turns off the heating. In this case, the ambient temperature hovers around 37-38 degrees.


NOTE: After making the relevant settings, turn the device's power off and on. See that the values ​​you set are saved on the device. If you want to reset the device settings, press and hold 2 buttons at the same time, the device settings will be reset after a while.



NOTE: If FFF or LLL values ​​appear on the device screen or there are large jumps in temperature, the temperature probe of the device is faulty. When this probe is replaced, the problem will disappear.





Device Connection:










Device Introduction:



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